A holiday at home maybe on the cards.
With the silly season in full swing, for many of us that means holidays are approaching. Depending upon how much leave you have and whether you want to fight the crowds at the beach, a holiday at home may be on the cards. Last time I travelled overseas, I took my Christmas holiday early and stayed at a boutique hotel right in the heart of Milan. Designed by Spanish architect and designer Patricia Urquiola, the Room Mate Giulia hotel was designed as a home away from home and a place to feel comfortable. It’s quirky, fun and colourful interiors are eclectic and somehow familiar and relaxing. After an exciting yet weary day of walking over cobblestone streets, starring at Leondardo’s Last Supper and eating way too many carbs, I loved coming back to my room to rest and take in all the visual and creative ideas. And it made me think, how can the elements of a beautiful hotel be used at home?
Here are some tips on how to have a hotel at home (room service optional!):
Bedding – we all love hotel sheets. They are so crisp, comfortable and clean. And we don’t need to make the bed! Consider updating your bedding with new sheets or a doona cover. And like the Giulia hotel, go for plain colours such as white. If you like soft sheets, go for a higher thread count. And like hotels, make sure you change your bedding regularly (especially if you have allergies).
Pillows – there are so many pillows to choose from at a hotel; latex, feathers, foam, polyester and wool. At Giulia, all you need to do is choose your pillow from the hotel menu and room service brings it up! At home, your pillows may need replacing. Despite looking flat, they may be causing harm to your posture and inducing allergies. And like a hotel, you can never have too many pillows!
Lighting – avoid the bright overhead lights. For softer overhead lights, try dimmers. In the Giulia hotel, there was task lighting next to the bed for reading, a table lamp and a feature wall sconce to evenly distribute the light and not wake everyone up!
Tableware – do you have mismatched, chipped or faded glasses or mugs? Look at replacing your drinking glasses and cups and saucers. At Giulia, the glasses were gorgeous crystal like colourful acrylic glasses designed by Patricia Urquiola – a bit like the ones you’d see at grandmas but with a funky, contemporary edge.
Scents – use candles, room scents or freshly cut lavender or herbs like sage to freshen up your home. At the Giulia hotel, when you opened up your hotel door, the room it had its own distinctive scent (which I understand you could purchase to remember your stay). And of course open up the window! You may not have the sights and sounds of Milan nearby, but it will freshen up your room.
And if you want some quiet time, don’t forget to put on the do not disturb sign! So if you can’t make it to a hotel, consider these tips to make your home more like a hotel. To receive helpful tips and inspiration direct to your email inbox, please sign-up to receive my “All Things Interiors” newsletter.