Does art need to mean something?
I love art. I studied it at school and then at university. I remember however there was one class in particular in my first year of uni, that almost ruined it for me. We were looking at a slide on a wall, (yep before Powerpoint) of an eighteenth century French painting. It was a pretty, almost dreamlike landscape. Technically it was very intricate and restful and was by a renowned artist. The lecturer was at pains however to point out that perhaps the large tree in the middle of the painting had a particular meaning. This meaning was missed on me. Why couldn't we just enjoy it for being a restful scene of a French countryside? Why did the presence of a large tree have some double (and rather unfortunate) meaning? And did the painter mean to put it there for that reason?
For me, art is something that evokes a feeling. It can be appreciated but not always loved. And it can be admired on a personal level or because it is seen to be popular.
Put simply, while I’m not suggesting that we should ignore the meaning of a painting or a piece of art, sometimes it really comes down to whether we connect with it (tree or no tree). And how it makes us feel. I hope you find my tips on how to use art in your home useful.
5 tips on how to use art in your home:
Make it a focal point – Wall art can be a focal point in a room such as over a sofa, at the end of a hall or above a bed. By doing this, the art is anchoring a room.
Go off balance – Things don’t always have to be balanced or symmetrical. Putting art just off centre or to the side of a bed or sofa can also create interest.
Put it somewhere unexpected - I love this trick! Think about where you probably wouldn’t put art, and then place it there! Think kitchen, laundry, bathroom or a corner of a room. It will bring some interest to the space and possibly make you smile.
Mix high and low – If you are grouping art, different art can be mixed together. So your Picasso (I wish) can be mixed with your child’s art or with that print you purchased just before you took the train out of Rome (again, I wish). Don’t be afraid to mix styles and frames.
Let it lean - Not all art needs to be nailed into a wall. Especially if you like to change your mind, you don’t have wall space or it’s a bit tricky to drill. Leaning art frames on places such as shelving, tables and walls can add a bit of interest as well as create a casual look.
Need help with displaying your art? Too nervous visiting an art gallery by yourself or don’t know where to start? Then call me! For help on decorating your home, contact me at To receive helpful tips and inspiration direct to your email inbox, please sign-up to receive my “All Things Interiors” newsletter.