It can be confusing finding your own style.
Just to clarify, this blog is not about the legalities of home ownership – as to whether the bank or the landlord owns your home or whether someone is going to come and repossess your home or even change the locks! I’ve taken my legal hat off! No, I’m looking at whether your home truly reflects you and your family rather than being a ‘cookie cutter’ of other peoples’ tastes and styles.
Why am I looking at this topic? Well, it’s because some people don’t know where to start decorating their homes. And with all the renovation tv shows, the pretty pictures on Instagram and social media, it can be confusing finding your own style.
So how do you know if you really own your home? Here are a few suggestions for you to consider:
You are not dictated to by trends
Every season, a new colour, style or material is introduced into the market. And this is exciting because it means we can freshen up our spaces (and wardrobes) and consider things that perhaps we may not have seen or thought of before. But of course, the danger here is to know whether it is something you truly love or a passing fad. If you own your style, then you simply won’t buy things because they are ‘on trend’.
You are surrounded by things you love
You may have objects from travel, loved ones or things your children have made. Or that old chair that your grandma used to have that you’ve reupholstered. These objects spark memories and help tell your story of where you’ve been and where you are going.
You may have a collection
I’m not necessarily talking about teapots or cow ornaments (yes, people do collect these!). But things that you find interesting. Such as artwork, books and knick-knacks. And they don’t have to be of any monetary value. I have a small collection of blue and white porcelain vases and jars. I think it started off from a piece I was given as a present. And then, I’ve gradually added to it through travel or op-shop finds.
You don’t have things that are generic
Have you noticed that things that are popular start to flood the market? For example, there are a lot of framed prints at the moment showing a certain horned animal that I see everywhere! And they may not have any meaning to you, other than they are available and perhaps within your budget or are what you think is fashionable. If you own your style, then you’ll find things that truly mean something to you (and not to everyone else).
You feel that your home reflects you
You feel that every time you come home, it’s your home. Your sanctuary. And people would be able to tell that it’s your home. You feel like you belong.
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